Al Suwaidi Attendance Management System
Al-Suwaidi Holding Co. Ltd has been regarded as one of the Fortune 100 companies in Saudi Arabia. Under the umbrella of the Holding Company, they have 9 Strategic Business Units (SBUs) are all over the kingdom.
Al-Suwaidi Holding Co. Ltd faced massive problems with manual attendance, which also lacked in synchronizing with ERP system. They approached Creative Solutions to automate the attendance Sync issues. They needed to automate roaster planning, day offs, global holidays, attendance monitoring, device monitoring and different parameters for all the employees. Primary concern was to make sure that the complete attendance synchronization took place between AMS and Oracle ERP.
Requirements were as follows:
• Complete attendance management software.
• On-Prem solution.
• Machine for Check-In & Check-Out for out of reach locations, ex: rigs and deserts
• Machine also to be used as access control.
• Customization in software to meet requirements
• The dashboard should be globally accessible from the web.
• Integration with Oracle ERP.
Creative solutions took the requirements as a challenge and implemented the CreativeTime Attendance management software which changed and up-lifted the legacy system they have been using.
Implementation included:
- Automation was done to reflect the complete requirements from Al-Suwaidi Holding Co. Ltd, Ex: Roaster Planning, day offs, employee monitoring, Etc.
- Complete attendance management software was implemented on-prem with customization & possibility to sync with ERP System.
- Portable, weather proof and shock proof attendance devices were installed at problem locations where weather conditions were below normal.
- Machines were configured to sync with the attendance management software that co-existed with ERP and fed data in order for them to simplify administrative tasks.
- 3G compatible machines were provided in order to be used where conventional cable internet was not available.
- A Transit SQL Database was setup as a middle man, to feed the required data from the main database to the Transit database, in order for ERP system to work without any delays.
Completed on
HTML5/ Microsoft .Net
Al Suwaidi
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