Anabeeb Attendance Management System
ANABEEB possess one of the largest pools of quality resources in the Middle East with the most experience. There targets are to meet the safety, quality and schedule. For more than 35 years they have deployed the latest equipment and techniques to support the oil & gas and the petrochemical industry in the region.
Maintaining a large number of attendees is no joke for any big organization, and Anabeeb was just the same. Their existing attendance management system caused bottle necks and was not able to use face detection machines, data sync with their ERP was also a major concern. Client contacted Creative Solutions enquiring for a solution to get their problem areas fixed. They needed to automate the whole attendance process for the employees, roaster planning, day offs, global holidays, attendance monitoring, device monitoring and different parameters.
Requirements were as follows:
- Complete attendance management software.
- On-Prem solution.
- Machine for check-in/check-out.
- Customization as per requirement.
- Weather proof machine to work at sites where weather conditions were un-predictable
- Training for employees.
- The dashboard should be globally accessible from the web.
- Complete integration with their Oracle ERP system.
With proper and complete solution, Creative solutions was able to take up the challenge and successfully implemented the CreativeTime Attendance management software, while making sure all the requirements were met.
Implementation included :
- Automation was done to reflect the complete requirements from Anabeeb, Ex: Roaster Planning, day offs, employee monitoring, Etc.
- Complete attendance management software was implemented on-prem.
- Multi-level customization was done to reflect the requirements made by the client.
- Machines were configured to sync with the attendance management software for data collection.
- Weather and shock proof machine with 3g functionality was provided to client to use at sites where weather conditions demanded devices which would stand the heat, drops and other weather hazards.
Completed on
HTML5/ Microsoft .Net
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